In a conclave ritual over twenty years ago, we asked the Spirit Beings to let us know which of them were especially interested in our work and wanted to join together to advise and help us. We refer to the ones who answered our call, then and later, as “the Committee of Mystery.” Now, they invite us to this fall Earth Conclave, October 24-27, to join them in a weekend of connection to Spirit Allies as we prepare for Samhain. We will explore how we can share old and new practices and experiences to new generations.

The Committee of Mystery has asked other divine ones, allies, and ancestors of blood and spirit to visit our gathering. If you have personal spirit allies who wish to join us, they are included in that invitation. These spirits invite us to listen to and dream about them. We will ask the water spirits and the land itself to give us strength and direction into how we can be of service to Mother Earth and to Wyalusing which has become our home.

During a day of honoring the Elements, we will seek direction from the elements as we call in spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Our trip to the Effigy Mounds will connect us with Earth.  We will sing to the trees and the Air spirits. A water ritual will honor the strength of the nearby Mississippi, and the day will end with a campfire.


  • Gaila
  • Diana B
  • KT Winterwolf
  • Morgan Brooke
Thursday, October 24, 2024 to Sunday, October 27, 2024